Wednesday, July 30, 2008

face studies

I really need to do more studies more often. As these images show. I did these old school, flipped them upside down and gridded them. Then after a while I eyeballed them. I really should just be eyeballing them. But I am currently trying to make my art education more relevant to my work now, which I think means revisiting some of the things that I did while I was getting my degree. I am also trying to help my poor brain visualize images in terms of painting rather than drawing. It is a huge difference to those of us who live and die on the page. But I won't bore my none existent readership with the details.

So here we go. I also want to get better at drawing/paining women. This drive arose after I realized that there seems to be 3 kinds of (concept) artists in the world. Each kind is broken down into categories that involve what they doodle on napkins when sitting at a restaurant waiting for food.

1) Artists that draw guys doing guy stuff, ie blowing shit up, shooting guns and otherwise being macho. This categories included, but not is exclusive to, artists that like to draw ninjas, space marines, superheroes, post apocalyptic warriors and/or monsters.

2) Artists that draw pin up girls. Girl' faces, girls' bodies, boobies, bums, legs, hair, with machine guns or without, but girls' nonetheless.

3) Artists that you hate and resent and also admire the sh*t out of. Artists that are good at drawing everything, artists that say stuff like "I just make it look 'right.'" and then proceed to produce unbelievable works of art. "Right" indeed.

I tend to gravitate towards drawing guy stuff, not many space marines, but definitely a lot of superheroes. I like to think that it stems from a deep interests in contemporary mythology and not some weird fascination with men in tights. At any rate, I want to get better at drawing women, and not just pin up girls.


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